An Interview With: Bill Haas

Q.   Two eagles in a round.  What’s up with that?

BILL HAAS:  Yeah, it was nice.  Kind of got off to a shaky start.  Made a nice par putt at 11 and a nice par at 12, one of the harder holes out here.  Then from then on I hit some nice shots.

Obviously the hole-out on 13 — or 14, got me going and then two nice shots at 15 and a nice putt, and then birdied 17 to get it to 5-under through 8 holes.

I was kind of thinking something really good, and to shoot 5-under, even par on the last ten maybe a little bit frustrating but overall it’s nice to shoot a good number.

Q.  You had I think was it like 175 on 14?  What did you hit?

BILL HAAS:  7-iron.

Q.  About right, 175?

BILL HAAS:  That’s about right.

Q.  You’re feeling good about your position heading into the weekend.

BILL HAAS:  I think the scores are pretty good.  Obviously I think the rough — when you miss fairways it’s hard to make par so I can just keep it in the fairway, you know, you can give yourself a lot of birdie chances.


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