Q. Fabian, a very rollercoaster round. You make 6 bogies but make five birdies. Tell me about the double eagle.
FABIAN GOMEZ: That hole is really important to reach the fairway. That drive there is real important because if you don’t reach the fairway you are not going to have any birdie chance.
Q. So 247. You obviously had the right club.
FABIAN GOMEZ: I have been hearing, well, the 5 good, you know. It’s not you had to be so afraid of the pin. Looking shots to be at the left and have an eagle chance but was straight to the pin.
Q. Did you see it go in?
FABIAN GOMEZ: No. I can’t see it because it’s a slope there. Yes. You know, I listen to the crowd. Everybody was silent there that the ball was going in and the beginning I didn’t even know it was close or in but was amazing, yes.
Q. Congratulations.
FABIAN GOMEZ: Thank you.
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