An Interview With: Tim Herron

61 today.  Special round.

TIM HERRON:  I don’t know.  I went to the green with a long putter today and didn’t feel right so I went back to the one I’ve been — I started with yesterday.  I think I had off the fringe I had about five 3-putts yesterday so I didn’t — I didn’t really have anything to lose.

I’ve been hitting it pretty good all year.  I kind of zoned it in a little bit today and just kind of kept rolling and making putts.

Q.  Was that the difference between today and yesterday?

TIM HERRON:  Yeah.  I missed a couple on the front.  I missed about a 4-footer straight down the hill, maybe 5-footer and so I had a good chance at 59.  You didn’t know that on 9.  I was just trying to make some putts and gain some kind of confidence.  It’s amazing this game can tease you, you know.  You want to like pack it in and shoot 61 and you don’t know what to do.

Q.  The collar on 18, looks like you knew as soon as it left the putter face it wasn’t going in.

TIM HERRON:  I hit it a little hard.  I thought I hit it actually farther by the hole but, yeah, it kind of just jumped off — I think if I was on the green I’d have a better chance of making that putt.  Kind of jumped off the fringe.  Wanted to make sure I got it there, though.

Q.  With the rebuilt greens and all that, why are low numbers like that out there?

TIM HERRON:  They done a good job of keeping it somewhat soft and it’s easier for us to transition because they try to maintain every course kind of about like this.

So, you’re kind of used to the bounces and things like that.  But golf courses, it’s a great golf course and I think they did a good job with the greens.


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