Mobile Ticketing Help

All Wyndham Championship tickets and parking passes will now be delivered digitally. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Neither on-site ticket sales nor Will Call will be available, but fans arriving at the Wyndham Championship without tickets can purchase them on their mobile devices before entering.

When fans arrive at Sedgefield, tournament personnel will scan the digital ticket and provide the wristband for that day of tournament play. All fans must enter the tournament through the main entrance located near the intersection of Forsyth Drive and Wayne Road or through our five (5) satellite entrances:
• Intersection of Donnington Court and Wayne Road
• Intersection of County Clare Road and Wayne Road
• Intersection of Wayne Road and Anson Road
• Intersection of Rockingham Road and Gaston Road
• Intersection of Anson Road and Rockingham Road

Those found on the course without the proper wristband who cannot provide proof of digital ticket purchase will be asked to purchase from their phones or be escorted from the golf course.

The Wyndham Championship Mobile Ticketing Guide provides step-by-step instructions on accessing tickets, adding tickets to your phone’s wallet and transferring tickets. Follow the guide to ensure a smooth entry into the tournament.

You can access your tickets through two convenient methods. Choose your preferred option below for detailed instructions.


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